originally published Tuesday, March 20, 2018

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Russia has done nothing to deserve its appalling treatment by Western powers and their totally controlled and subservient media - the only thing Russia did was to move into the Crimea, an area smaller than the island of Taiwan, which suited the people there as most are Russian speaking, and the reason they did that was to protect their naval base at Sevastopol after the Western inspired coup in the Ukraine. Apart from that they have done nothing and reports that they are planning to take back parts of Eastern Europe are pure fantasy.

Russia has been subjected to an intensifying and coordinated hate campaign that has become hysterical in recent days. The politicians engaging in this and NATO etc are corrupt unscrupulous opportunistic lying scoundrels who have their own agenda. A particularly odious example of this is Theresa May, the Prime Minister of Britain, the toothless lion. Mrs May, a weak and insipid leader, who looks like she would be more at home pushing a trolley around Safeway, has seized upon the Russia business as an opportunity to grandstand on the world stage, and level scurrilous and totally ungrounded accusations against Russia in the most insulting manner imaginable, which is a pretty dumb thing to do when you consider that Russia has the capacity to reduce Britain to a smoking ruin in a matter of minutes.

One of the odd and distasteful aspects of this episode is the way that most Western countries have ganged up on Russia like a bunch of schoolyard thugs who have selected their victim and are enjoying putting the boot in – but they will be laughing on the other side of their faces if they push Russia too far, since it has the power to physically destroy them all, although of course it wouldn’t survive either.

So what’s the agenda – why are they doing this? There are several interlocking reasons. A core reason is that the US Neocons are running out of time to bring to fruition their grand plan, the “Project for the New American Century”, which is a plan for world domination – two countries stand in the way of achieving their dream, Russia and China, and in just a few years China, which is growing rapidly in strength, will overtake the US as the dominant world power. This means that in order to achieve their objectives, the Neocons have to overcome and subjugate Russia and China as quickly as possible. Another factor making the situation even more urgent is that debt-wracked Western economies are teetering on the verge of collapse, they have to do this very soon while they still have the power to, and having an enemy means you can deflect blame for the economic turmoil on to them. Still another factor is that they need an enemy of size, a bogeyman, for the Military – Industrial complex to justify sucking $1 trillion a year out of hapless US taxpayers, and the little tin pot dictatorship of North Korea just doesn’t cut it.

Although Russia has an impressive military, its economy is much smaller than that of China, so for this reason they have decided to take down Russia before they turn their attention to the ultimate prize – China. If they succeed in taking down Russia, China will be the next target and their crowning glory. This is why they have the South China Sea lined up as their excuse for a conflict with China, so it’s a shame really that China and Russia have developed hypersonic missiles that can sink aircraft carriers in minutes.

In pursuit of their immediate objective of weakening and eventually subjugating Russia, they have already imposed sanctions on Russia, which had no justification, but they didn’t let that minor detail stop them, and they also crashed the oil price several years ago, in order to reduce Russia’s income, even though this caused a major crisis in the US oil industry. While these efforts did weaken Russia, they were not enough to turn the people against their beloved leader, Vladimir Putin, one big reason being that he is a Statesman, instead of a corrupt lying self-serving hypocrite like most Western leaders. They have also relentlessly portrayed Russia as an aggressor and a threat in their controlled media, in order to justify in the public mind their preparations for a military assault on it.

The preparations for an assault on Russia go back a long way. A big reason that the Neocons instigated the coup in the Ukraine and installed a puppet government there was to enable their war machine, NATO, to move military equipment and forward missile bases as close to Russia as possible. Now they are preparing to attack Russia on two fronts - in the eastern Ukraine, what is called the Donbass, and a head on clash in Syria, which they are preparing for by moving forces close to Syria and carriers into the Eastern Med. etc, and they will possibly attack on a third front – from eastern Europe. Once you know all this the reason for all the anti-Russia hysteria and propaganda becomes clear – they are preparing the gullible public mind for this offensive.

What is the role of Europe and in particular Britain in all this? Europe and especially Britain are lapdogs – poodles, who will slavishly do whatever their masters in Washington want – Britain actually takes pride in its sycophantic relationship with the US, which it calls the “Special Relationship”. Europe is already paying a heavy price for this, as having assisted Washington in its “wars for Israel” rampage around the Mid-East, they have been inundated with millions of refugees. These refugees, freed from the deterrent of being flogged or stoned or having their hands chopped off for crimes as they would be back home, are having a field day taking advantage of their weak and limp-wristed liberal - socialist hosts who are finding that saying “Please don’t do that, it’s not very nice” doesn’t seem to stop them. So they rape and rob at will with the politically correct and useless “authorities” siding with them against their own people. Even if sentenced to prison, it’s like a holiday camp for them with flat screen TVs and gymnasiums, and the ability to study up on bomb making on the internet. Not all of these refugees are like this of course – many are simply normal people seeking a better life after having their homelands ruined, but a percentage are and they are the problem.

Thus we find that eastern Europe has become a missile platform for the Neocons who have assembled a huge array of missiles there pointed at Russia, in contravention of agreements made at the end of the Cold War, and initially using the lie that their intent was to defend Europe from an attack by Iran. The fools in Eastern Europe who have permitted this, like Poland and Rumania, will probably pay a very heavy price when Russia “takes them out” and reduces parts of these countries to smoking craters, which will be what they deserve. Poland in particular should have known better, as it has been walked all over in both directions by big powers for centuries.

This latest hyped up hysteria about Russia poisoning a retired spy in England is clearly a total fabrication. As Putin just said, it is not logical for Russia to do such a thing just ahead of the election in Russia and the football World Cup there. Perhaps the most astounding thing about it is that it happened just up the road from Porton Down, the top secret government center for developing biological and chemical weapons, which I happen to know about as I grew up in that area. Scientists used to spend countless happy hours torturing animals there as they developed very nasty substances, and clearly unless proven otherwise, that is where this nerve agent came from. It is a measure of how stupid they think the public is that they believe that they can pull a stunt like this about 10 miles from where the stuff was produced, and then blame it on Russia! It was a truly revolting sight to see the boring grey painfully middle class chickenhawk British Prime Minister from suburbia grandstanding, without any evidence whatever, and level false accusations and crude insults against a true Statesman and dignified strong man like Putin and against Russia.

What is the reason for this spy poisoning story and blowing it out of proportion? It is part of an ongoing campaign to demonize Russia in the mind of the susceptible public, and make them more accepting of future military action against it, and it will be used as an excuse to impose tough sanctions on Russia with the aim of grinding it down.

If this situation wasn’t so dangerous it would simply be farcical and funny, but it now looks like the West is going to ramp up the military provocations against Russia until it escalates into a World War. This they will do by taking on Russian forces in Syria and by trying to invade eastern Ukraine. At some point Russia will have no choice but to react, which is what they want – they will keep poking the bear until they get a response. They seem to think, however, that a “1st strike” is their prerogative, but what if Russia decides to get in first and “take out” all the missile batteries aimed at it in eastern Europe and sink the missile bearing US carriers in the eastern Med first, which although clearly dangerous, actually makes sense militarily? Then what? – if the US / West responds by escalating, possibly with nukes, then Russia may feel it has no option but to make the aggressor pay the ultimate price, and could nuke cities like London and Washington, which it has the power to do. You think it couldn’t happen, right? – just go ask the people of Dresden and Hiroshima or Nagasaki whether their ancestors thought in 1935 that their cities would vanish within 10 years.

If the West keeps the war against Russia at the conventional level, they should take heed of what happened to Napoleon and Hitler when they tried to march on Moscow. The Russians are fighting for their survival, which is why with a relatively small outlay they have created weapons that outclass what the US military has, because most of the defense budget in the US disappears down a black hole of corruption, graft and kickbacks.

Perhaps the most frightening and depressing thing about this situation is that it is all completely unnecessary – the majority of people in all countries just want to go about their lives in peace. The looming major war will be started by a tiny clique of power-crazed Neocons who have severe psychological hangups, probably caused by being neglected as children due to being passed off onto nannies by their wealthy parents who were more interested in their social lives than devoting time to raising their kids. They are completely compulsive and cannot stop themselves and have zero regard for the lives and property of others, as the inhabitants of Iraq, Libya and Syria and many other places can attest. Like Genghis Khan and Hitler they can only be stopped by force, but unfortunately there is likely to be a lot of death and destruction first. The current situation feels almost identical to 1913 or 1939 – you can see it coming but there just isn’t the will to stop it. The death toll in the last war was about 50 million. This time, if it ends up going nuclear, which it probably will, it will likely end up in the hundreds of millions or even billions if there is a nuclear Winter.

Major wars tend to be cyclical and occur every generation or two. At the present time virtually all of those who were involved in the last war have died off, which is what makes the current situation all the more dangerous, since the young and stupid are more likely to lust for war. They are often preceded by a descent into decadence and depravity, such as we can see all around us now, and naturally, the people end up with the leaders they deserve, which is why virtually all important political positions in the Western world are occupied by corrupt, unprincipled opportunistic lying scoundrels. The late Larry Edelson made extensive studies of war cycles and for years highlighted that a confluence of war cycles will peak in 2019 – 2020 and predicted that for some countries it would become “hell on earth”, and we can see how things are shaping up rapidly now to create this grim reality.

The average American has been brainwashed into adoring the US military, thanks to the cosy relationship between Hollywood and the Military, where the Military provides the equipment and trained personnel for blockbusters in exchange for pro-military storylines, a classic example being the movie “Independence Day”, where the US military not only saves the US from the aliens, it saves the entire world. This, by the way, is why there are so many violent movies out of Hollywood. The average American couldn’t care less about what happens to people on the other side of the world as a result of the actions of its military, views it as entertainment, and considers himself immune from this kind of misfortune. What he really should know, however, is that the Neocons don’t have any more respect for the everyday American than they do for distant foreigners, and once they are done disarming the American populace, after however many false flag school shootings or whatever it takes, the average American citizen will feel the full force of the Patriot Acts, which have already consigned the Constitution to the dustbin of history, as the country becomes a lock down Police State – ever wondered why the police now have all that military equipment? – well now you know.

So, for all our sakes, China had better wake up and “come off the fence” and be more vocal about its defense and support of its neighbor and friend Russia, because, as mentioned already, if they succeed in taking down Russia, China is next, and that’s when it is likely to get even uglier.

Posted at 8.00 am EDT on 20th March 18.

The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr Maund, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Maund's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities. Mr. Maund is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations mentioned in his reports. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Maund recommends that you consult with a qualified investment or securities advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although a qualified and experienced stock market technical analyst, Clive Maund is not a Registered Investment Advisor or Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Maund's opinions on the market and stocks cannot be construed as a recommendation or solicitation to buy and sell securities.